desk with plant and laptop

Self-Care Tips for Working from Home

For many of us, the best office is the one right in our homes — and sometimes it’s our only office. Yes, remote work offers an opportunity to fit in a little extra time for yourself each day, but having work continually within reach comes with drawbacks. It’s a delicate balance.

Redefining productivity and setting up a healthy work-from-home routine, starts by including a few self-care ideas to create boundaries between the personal and the professional. As an added bonus, a little pampering goes a long way in giving you a boost of confidence on that Zoom meeting.

Learn how to uplift your mood with self-care activities that are easy to squeeze in before, after, or even during your workday. So put down the mouse and pick up some of these tips to restore balance to your work-from-home routine.

Enliven Your Space with a Scented Candle or Reed Diffuser

Fragrances can be a game-changer when you work from home. Scented candles, room sprays and reed diffusers offer simple and effective ways to make your home office more inviting.

Without moving an inch, a candle can transport you to far-off destinations or just shift your mind into a more positive headspace. The Clean Beauty Winter Pine candle is a snowdrift of uplifting scents that will have you reaching for a cup of hot cocoa. It’s a natural-ingredient candle unlike any other — it’ll be your soundtrack to the season.

Selecting one of your favorite clean fragrances can be a great addition to a morning self-care routine.

Take Breaks to Stretch and Meditate

Working from home can be tough on your body if you're sitting all day. Build in a few breaks to stretch your body for 10 to 15 minutes. As you do that, try to enjoy some relaxing meditation time by closing your eyes, breathing deeply and focusing inward. This can help to clear your mind, lower your blood pressure and slow your heart rate.

Create a Self-Care Beauty Routine

Putting some pampering into your daily work-from-home routine can help you remember that, although you're not being seen in the office, you can still look and feel good. Start with a basic face self-care routine that involves gently cleansing and moisturizing with products like CLEAN RESERVE Buriti Balancing Cleanser and Buriti Soothing Moisturizer. Make-up is optional but running a brush through your hair is not. By adding a natural bristle brush to your routine to grab the oils from the scalp and pulls them through the ends of your hair, you’ll make it shinier, healthier, and touch up the frame to your face. The perfect quick tip prior to any Zoom meeting, but it will also make you feel better. Taking a few minutes to focus on a beauty self-care routine can really bring your spirits up on those days when you're feeling burnt out.

Drink Hot Water with Lemon

Start your day on the right foot by sipping on hot water with lemon. This doctor-recommended and science-endorsed beverage provides a host of important health benefits, like helping with digestion and boosting your immune system with a dose of vitamin C. The potassium in lemons can also stimulate brain function — a perfect match for diving right in to your to-do list of work tasks.

Use Your Favorite Face Mask

Another natural self-care routine idea that we love is applying a mask. It's a great way to wind down after a long workday when you're deeply in need of some screen-free time (bonus tip!). Choose a mask that's free from harsh ingredients, like Clean Beauty’s Purple Clay Detoxifying Mask, to pamper your skin and enjoy a few quiet minutes away from your desk.

Don't wait for "self-care Sundays" to treat yourself with the thoughtful considerateness you deserve. Put together a self-care kit with the products you need to uplift your mood during long days working from home.