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Under The Stars: It's Sagittarius Season

Each zodiac season we’ll dive into the corresponding sign to discover all there is to know. Plus, we’ll reveal what the stars have in store for your special season and the perfect CLEAN scent to match.

Seeking Sagittarius

(November 22-December 21st)

Every year, your birthday season finds you returning to yourself, replenishing your spirit, and making candlelit wishes as you meet another year with anticipation. This might feel especially true on the 12th, with a New Moon in Sagittarius tightly aspecting Neptune. Something about this upcoming twirl around the Sun demands the full engagement of your imagination muscle, even if (and maybe because) you’re so aware of all the ways you currently feel stuck. Your current reality may be far from ideal, but no one knows how to build castles in the sky like you do, and if you can balance being realistic with being the visionary that you are, you might be eating mangoes on a beach (or whatever the current dream is) before you know it.

But first, a Mercury Retrograde. Mercury stations retrograde in your 2nd house on the 13th, which means most of December might amount to an audit of your finances. Fortunately, this looks like a relatively productive period for getting organized. If you’ve experienced a lot of growth at work lately, it’s likely that you might need to adjust your budget accordingly, or reallocate some funds to make the next wave of expansion possible. Which is coming before you know it—Jupiter stations direct in your work sector on the 30th. You’ll be hitting the ground running in the new year and acting on some of the more inspiring visions you’ve been incubating over the fall.

For the most part, the mounting excitement toward the end of the month will be big enough to override any momentary frustrations, but you might be more prone to stumbling into confrontations or miscommunicating with family around the 27th and 28th. Mercury will complete its retrograde in Sagittarius, which means you might have to clarify your stance or double back on a personal choice you made recently. If the words come out wrong the first time, expressing yourself more deliberately might help you feel more solid in your decision.

Vivacious CLEAN RESERVE Citron Fig is perfect for the spirited Sags, with its unexpected combination of lemon zest and fig sweetness.